Manufacturer/Distributor: Aiming Laser
Laser Type: Laser-Diode-Modules
Gun Sight Mini Laser Module
Laser Type: Laser-Diode-Modules
Laser diode modules offer several advantages. Their compact size makes them easy to integrate into various devices and systems. They are highly efficient, converting electrical energy into light with minimal loss. Laser diode modules are also known for their reliability and long operational life when properly managed. Additionally, they can produce highly focused and coherent light, which is essential for many precise applications. Overall, laser diode modules provide a versatile and efficient solution for generating laser light across a broad spectrum of uses.
Wavelength Range: Visible
Visible lasers have a broad array of applications. In communications, they are used in optical fiber systems for short distances. Medical applications include surgeries, eye treatments like LASIK, and various diagnostic tools. The entertainment industry employs visible lasers in light shows to create striking visual effects. In measurement and detection, laser rangefinders and LIDAR systems use visible lasers for measuring distances and mapping, while bar code scanners often use red laser diodes. Research and development fields utilize visible lasers in spectroscopy, microscopy, and other scientific investigations to study material properties.
Mode: singlemode
This article refers to: FAL-520-X.X-GS (Manufacturer/Distributor: Aiming Laser Laser Type: Laser-Diode-Modules Wavelength Range: Visible Mode: singlemode Application: Defense ) - FAL-520-X.X-GS - singlemode Laser-Diode-Modules Wavelength 520nm (Nanometer) Power 0.08W (Watt)
- Aiming Laser
- Laser-Diode-Modules
- Visible
- singlemode
- Defense